So, what have we learned from the Abortion that WAS Iowa, and New Hampshire?
Well, outside of the Fact that DumboCraps couldn't run a Freeway Pile-Up, we actually learned a lot.
First, (and last for the purposes of this OP) THEY ARE FUCKING SCARED!
Terrified of the prospect of Comrade Bernie getting the Demon-Rat Nomination, Leftist_Loonie-Pundits, are philosophising .. With sullen countenance of course... the likelihood of a Socialist AssHat getting the Nod..
Interjecting clips of Average Numb-Nut Joe's, explaining how everyone with even just 25% Intellect left -after Left Wing Infiltration and Through Schools - INDOCTRINATION by Propaganda- NOT understanding that 'Democratic Socialism" is T H E Socialism that WILL NEVER lead to Communism... AND SEE the SLAUGHTER AND IMPRISONMENT of any and all dissenters as... RE-EDUCATION!
(Second...For Kicks) Even The Left Knows The Left is FUCKED!